Bianca Ali from Cardiff, Wales, is a spoken-word artist, an activist, and a domestic violence advocate, whose poetry reflects her lived and witnessed experience.
The 30-year-old grew up in Grangetown, a richly multicultural area of the city, and understood that she was black from a very early age, but it wasn’t until she moved to a predominately white part of Cardiff in her early teens, that she came to regularly experience racism in her everyday life.
As the Black Lives Matter movement grew in global prominence following the murder of George Floyd, Bianca felt compelled to throw herself into leading the Cardiff and Vale BLM. Deeply concerned about all injustice, she actively incorporates how LGBTQ+ and disabled people are treated in her fight for social justice.
Bianca’s selfless community work has been recognised by The Ron Todd Foundation, a charity concerned with tackling poverty and social injustice, they honoured her with the 2021 Inspiring Young People Award.
This young woman has so much to say in her spoken-word performances, which she delivers with poignant insight and elegance, and a wisdom far beyond her years.